
Friday, November 23, 2012

Bad Thoughts

        Sometimes I sit at home. And just think. I think of things I shouldn’t. I think of you. Heat, sweat, moans, standing alone in a moment. Whispers flash through my head, bad they say, but oh so good. Sacrifice, maybe something I shouldn’t have done. Possibly fates damning force. Feel. Taste, touch, sight, overwhelming my body. Driving me crazy. Just the thought of the things I want to do to you. They make my mouth water as I see my lips, my tongue, and my hands all over your body. Flashing, coursing, burning through my head. Bad, so bad, but oh my…so good. I bite my lip. Stop, I try but to no avail. So wonderful, overpowering, consuming, fulfilling it would be. Each time you are near, my body begs for your touch. I behave in ways I shouldn’t. Erotic. Pulsating. Hot, wet, hard. Oh yeah, just once, one chance, one moment. A memory to savor on cold nights. I can already hear my screams for more playing in my head as if they have already happened. Waiting. Holding on for the moment. I think of you and my blood soars. I can feel your hard breathing next to my ear; I can hear your heart beating so fast. Your body…pressed so close to mine. Can’t get enough. Bad, so good, stop, oh well. I can’t help it, I won’t try, don’t want to. Make me feel the things I want. I can almost taste you in my mouth, smell you on my skin, and feel you on my body. Bad thoughts…oh they feel so good.


  1. Very hot bad thoughts indeed... and thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.


    1. Thank you! This was the first piece I ever wrote on sex... And it's about masturbation, go figure. No one could do me better than I did myself at the time. I'm happy to say, that situation has vastly improved.

  2. This is exactly how I feel about someone who is completely out of the question, but makes me consider breaking the rules. xxx

    1. That was exactly the type of person it was written about. Something about the forbidden seems to always send desires soaring to new, frustrating, tantalizing heights...

      Rules, sometimes, were made to be broken. ;)
