
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Marvelous May

M's picks:

Category: Sister Pride Exhibitionist You want your loved ones to see the good that you see in them, and the beauty. From a girl who once said her best asset was her "makeup", she blames the supportive people who comment, and I can't thank you enough for showing her the beauty that she possesses.
Category: Oh take me, make me. From Beck and her Kinks No You Don't This little tale got me so hot and bothered right from the beginning: "Tied and helpless. I lay. Being beaten and being toyed with. As I wiggle around screaming in agony."

Category: Touchingly Personal Reminds me of my current dilemma of missing my husband, then ending, echoing my frequent emotion, "Choosing death, for without you every night/I'm a shadow, ever searching your light,"  Terza Rima Sonnet: Your Light, From Sweet Lust. Always find her poetry haunting, but this one really hits a chord.

Category: So hot and written from a male, yum. Riding the Wave Everything from the tying up to the going down, and anything I read that has a man going down tends to get me, his words poetic in imagery: "Each time she came close to climax a wave of fresh nectar poured from her and filled my mouth with new delicious flavours, threatening to overpower my senses," Deepthought69.

There have been several bloggers who are discussing privacy and their reasons for blogging in the first place. I thought it would be good to discuss some of our reasons as well:

1) It gives a creative outlet
2) Allows an audience's feedback
3) Allows exhibitionism
4) Gives support to a nonvanilla person surrounded by that flavor
5) Allows sex to be portrayed positively
6) Being part of a bigger community
7) Gives the sisters something to partake in together and discuss


  1. I'm glad to have gotten you all hot and bothered. I just submitted that piece to E [lust]. I enjoy reading your blog as well.

  2. Thank you very much for the shout-out ~ I love depicting love and intimacy in poetry forms as its a challenge to write them out ~

    Wishing you a lovely week ~
